PROGRAMS for adults 16+ years old
Strengthen your voice and stretch your creativity! Our programs for adults are a dynamic theater experience they'll never forget!
We are pleased to bring you Disney's Newsie Jr.!
8-15 years old.
July 31 - Aug. 11, 2023, every Mon.-Fri. from 9AM to 4PM . Shows will be held Aug. 12-13th at Kennedy Middle School. Students must commit to the entire production schedule.
Tuition for the full production is $950. A deposit of $100 is required to hold their spot.
May 22 and May 23 between 4-6pm at the NAPA studio. After registering for an audition, a sign up genius will be sent where parents can book audition spots. Students should pick a song from the show and sing about 90 seconds from it. Script reading will also occur. The Libretto, or a book with the script and songs, is available to view for free, here. (Follow the link and look for the arrow next to "READ THE LIBRETTO FOR FREE" near the middle of the page.)
Disney's Newsies JR. is a 60-minute version of the 2012 Broadway musical, based on the 1992 film. When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys' expense, the charismatic Jack Kelly rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions. Together, the newsies learn that they are stronger united and create a movement to fight for what's right. Including the now-classic songs "Carrying the Banner," "Seize the Day," and "Santa Fe," Newsies JR. is a timeless story full of spirit and heart.​

Natick Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA) is a non-profit focusing on beginner to intermediate acting and singing for adults and children. Through musicals, acting workshops, voice exercises, and movement, NAPA caters to individual strengths to spotlight each performer's talents and stretch potential.
"The stage offers a transformational gift. It enhances,
opens your mind, embraces and even dares you.
Every performer should have an opportunity to be
on the receiving end of that. The stage truly belongs to you!"
- Natick Academy of Performing Arts